Saturday, October 23, 2010

How I started?

Well, I’m those type that enjoy finger food. Some finger foods are junk food as well. As you all know, junk food have little or no nutritional value to our body. Junk foods are also known to contain high level of saturated fats, salt or sugar, which are the substance to cause overweight problem if consumed too much. So, what I did is I will select my list of finger food very carefully. If you go to a supermarket, you will notice a lot of different type of finger foods which is healthy. For example, potato chips is one of my favorites. I will select those potato chips that is made out of 100% pure potato, less salt or best is non-salted. I also like cheese. Choose those less fat or non fat cheese. I do cut down on consumption of rice, noodles and bread.

Shopping tip: aim for those foods which stated low fat, non fat, less salt, non salt, less sugar, non sugar, pure, natural, organic term. Of course it might cost you a few more bucks. But hey, by spending few more bucks, you have a healthier body, it’s worth it!

I’m kinda like those type of meat-lover. Select the types of meat carefully. Choose chicken breast, fish, pork lean meat rather than those fatty type. I checked online there is a lot of people asking us to eat only vegetables or salad for whole day. Oh my, I can’t survive with that for a single meal. So starting, I try to consume mixture of lean meat with vegetables, along with those non-fat finger food.

Besides that, I started a short jog/ walk of 10 to 20 minutes per day or alternative days. Which ever that my body can cope. Yes, I do it step by step at a time. Bare in mind that rushing to get results will not help at all. Patient plays a very important role.

If you follow the above, I guess you can start loosing weight 1 to 5 kg in one month time. When you start noticing your body having some good results, you will tend to continue a much more healthy balance lifestyle. It always motivate me the most.

Why I started?

I was thinking for a day what topic should I write for my next post.
Starting I was thinking of writing about “How I started?”. But when I start to think deeper, it’s not the “How” that is so important, it is the “Why” that is important.
Without knowing why, I won’t be even thinking of starting my healthy dieting lifestyle.

Why I started healthy dieting? The reason is simple, I realized that I ignore myself too much, and I didn’t give enough intention to myself. Another word, I didn’t give myself enough love to love my own self. A dear friend of mine once told me, “hey, you can look really good, but why you did not take good care of yourself and ended up like this?”. I was kinda stunned when I heard her comment. My brain was trying to digest what she is saying at that time. Me? Can look good? C’mon, don’t make a joke out of me ok? But when I look at the mirror, I really can’t recognized myself in the reflection mirror if I compare myself few years back. Man, it totally looks like two different person. From that day on, I finally decided that I need to “love” myself and take good care of myself. And this is the main reason that I am still sticking on healthy dieting and exercises.

Get to know your “why” followed by “how”….

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mindset of Dieting

I noticed that every New Year, millions of people will have resolution of quit smoking or want to lose weight. A lot of them started a drastic decrease of food intake and massive exercise. After a week or two, they just give in to their favorite moose chocolate cake, chips and comfort sofa watching TV. And the whole plan for the resolution just ended up unfinished.

I would like to share a couple of things which I find it very essential if you really wanna start weight lose through healthy dieting.

1.       Have the right mindset

First of all, your mind is your biggest asset. You need to change your way of thinking of you really wanna permanently lose weight. Stop thinking of short term dieting and focus on the long run.
Regular meals of balance and healthy nutrition food are necessary for the long run.

2.       Take it step by step

Reduce your calories intake slowly. Don’t rush on reducing your calories intake drastically. As a result, your body might be unable to accept this sudden change and will “think” that you are in starvation. Body will automatically “protect” yourself by changing the consumption of food to fats and store in your body. (Believe me, this is what you don’t want most)

3.       Muscle VS Fats

Start doing exercise. By doing more exercise, you will convert your body’s fat into lean muscles.
As muscle will burn more calories compare to fats, that’s why its better to build more muscles. One thing to take note of is, when you started doing exercise, you will notice that your body weight will drop 1-2 kg and just stop decreasing. Don’t be panic ok? As after exercise, your body’s will start building muscles and muscle density is more than fat. So, you might gain weight but look thinner. But eventually, you will lose weight if you keep continue doing exercise.

Try to do combination of different exercise. Recommend jogging and swimming, which I find it very effective. After jogging, your body muscle will be very tensed. Swimming will help your body muscle to relax. Hence, more effective in losing weight.

4.       Eat few meals but small portion

Try not to have 3 big meals, cut down to few small portions. Have healthy snacks like nuts, raisins, fruits. This is to let your body feel that it is not in starvation, and hence it wont go to starvation mode.

Currently, these are the way I’m doing it. Hope it will help you all that really in need of a change.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My personal experience of weight loss

Hey guys, I’m gonna share my personal experience of successful 10kg weight loss through healthy dieting in four months time, which is from 83kg to 73kg. Briefly saying, my way of loss weight is through balance healthy dieting combine with exercises.

I used to be around 60kg while I was studying in university. After few years of busy working life, I didn’t even notice I gained weight so much. I might just notice it, but it just not in my first priority to maintain or loose weight. Why so? Human tend to be lazy. That’s what happened to me.

Obesity can really make a person feel unhealthy and weak, which impact our daily lives. I used to feel tired always, lack of concentration, having breathing problem, having knee-joint pain issue, don’t like to social with friends or colleagues, lack of self-confidence and etc.

For you all that wish to try to loss weight through healthy dieting, the utmost important thing is your MOTIVATION. It is the motivation that keeps you going. The reason I emphasis on this is because, without a very powerful motivation, most people will quit halfway. That’s why you need to ask yourself what is your strongest motivation that will keep you going. One of the strongest motivations will be family or love ones support.

Second thing will be discipline and consistency.
As I said before, human tend to be lazy. You need to be very discipline with yourself after you set a plan or strategy. Work on the plan. But don’t be too tough on yourself. For me, I started to jog once or twice a week, more like walking because I don’t have the stamina to jog yet. I take it step by step. I went to swimming too, once a week. Try to set a goal or aim for yourself. For example, goal is walk and jog for 1km; Swim 5 laps for a start. After you feel comfort with it, you can slowly add on the distance and speed. Don’t push yourself too hard, just try your best will do, slowly increase the exercise amount. If you do it constantly, you can feel the difference. Your body starting to build muscles, you feel more energetic and confident.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Why choose healthy dieting?

There are different kinds of reasons why people want to start a healthy dieting. But most of all, by starting a healthy dieting, you can avoid many illnesses like cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Eat healthily is more about maintaining the balance of weight, energy level and mental emotion.

Busy people need to eat healthily too. As we all know, our life now are always in rushed, stressed with work, lack of time. But this is not an excuse of not having healthy dieting and chooses whatever food that can be served quickest. As far as I know, you can easily get those 15 minutes or 30 minutes recipes online for free, which is easy and healthy.

Here are some tips which I discover which is very helpful

Tip 1: control the portion that you consumed
Tip 2: Take your time to munch the food
Tip 3: Vegetables proportion should be 70%-80%; meat should be 20%-30%
Tip 4: Choose fresh food rather than processed food
Tip 5: Select low fat or non fat ingredients
Tip 6: Add variety to your daily meals, like nuts and beans

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What is Healthy Dieting?

Organic or natural food that is free of chemicals, preservatives, or additives is consider a healthy diet. Expand your range of choices in variety of foods – especially whole grains, vegetables or fruits, that is health dieting.

The sole purpose of health diet is to make you feel good with yourself. You must consume the right food if you want to feel good, as in feeling a lot of energy within you. Beware that eating foods that are full of empty calories can affect your mood drastically. Eating a diet which is designed mainly for weight loss and eating a healthy diet and hoping you will lose weight is very different. When the diet is designed purely for weight loss, little thought may have been given as to whether this is a healthy way of eating that's good for you, particularly in the long term. Health diet will give you energy and help your body function to function at its best. For losing weight, motivation is very important, but diet is mainly to achieve good health. So, the utmost important thing is, eat balanced healthy meals everyday.

In order to achieve healthy diet, it won’t happen just like that. You need to put in your time and effort, as well as plan a strategy and set healthy eating goals. Healthy balanced diet is more to life time achievement rather than weight loss purposed.

Find a diet that fits you. I was tired of being overweight and I wanted a total transformation. That’s why I choose a diet that includes a lot of exercise.