Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mindset of Dieting

I noticed that every New Year, millions of people will have resolution of quit smoking or want to lose weight. A lot of them started a drastic decrease of food intake and massive exercise. After a week or two, they just give in to their favorite moose chocolate cake, chips and comfort sofa watching TV. And the whole plan for the resolution just ended up unfinished.

I would like to share a couple of things which I find it very essential if you really wanna start weight lose through healthy dieting.

1.       Have the right mindset

First of all, your mind is your biggest asset. You need to change your way of thinking of you really wanna permanently lose weight. Stop thinking of short term dieting and focus on the long run.
Regular meals of balance and healthy nutrition food are necessary for the long run.

2.       Take it step by step

Reduce your calories intake slowly. Don’t rush on reducing your calories intake drastically. As a result, your body might be unable to accept this sudden change and will “think” that you are in starvation. Body will automatically “protect” yourself by changing the consumption of food to fats and store in your body. (Believe me, this is what you don’t want most)

3.       Muscle VS Fats

Start doing exercise. By doing more exercise, you will convert your body’s fat into lean muscles.
As muscle will burn more calories compare to fats, that’s why its better to build more muscles. One thing to take note of is, when you started doing exercise, you will notice that your body weight will drop 1-2 kg and just stop decreasing. Don’t be panic ok? As after exercise, your body’s will start building muscles and muscle density is more than fat. So, you might gain weight but look thinner. But eventually, you will lose weight if you keep continue doing exercise.

Try to do combination of different exercise. Recommend jogging and swimming, which I find it very effective. After jogging, your body muscle will be very tensed. Swimming will help your body muscle to relax. Hence, more effective in losing weight.

4.       Eat few meals but small portion

Try not to have 3 big meals, cut down to few small portions. Have healthy snacks like nuts, raisins, fruits. This is to let your body feel that it is not in starvation, and hence it wont go to starvation mode.

Currently, these are the way I’m doing it. Hope it will help you all that really in need of a change.