Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My personal experience of weight loss

Hey guys, I’m gonna share my personal experience of successful 10kg weight loss through healthy dieting in four months time, which is from 83kg to 73kg. Briefly saying, my way of loss weight is through balance healthy dieting combine with exercises.

I used to be around 60kg while I was studying in university. After few years of busy working life, I didn’t even notice I gained weight so much. I might just notice it, but it just not in my first priority to maintain or loose weight. Why so? Human tend to be lazy. That’s what happened to me.

Obesity can really make a person feel unhealthy and weak, which impact our daily lives. I used to feel tired always, lack of concentration, having breathing problem, having knee-joint pain issue, don’t like to social with friends or colleagues, lack of self-confidence and etc.

For you all that wish to try to loss weight through healthy dieting, the utmost important thing is your MOTIVATION. It is the motivation that keeps you going. The reason I emphasis on this is because, without a very powerful motivation, most people will quit halfway. That’s why you need to ask yourself what is your strongest motivation that will keep you going. One of the strongest motivations will be family or love ones support.

Second thing will be discipline and consistency.
As I said before, human tend to be lazy. You need to be very discipline with yourself after you set a plan or strategy. Work on the plan. But don’t be too tough on yourself. For me, I started to jog once or twice a week, more like walking because I don’t have the stamina to jog yet. I take it step by step. I went to swimming too, once a week. Try to set a goal or aim for yourself. For example, goal is walk and jog for 1km; Swim 5 laps for a start. After you feel comfort with it, you can slowly add on the distance and speed. Don’t push yourself too hard, just try your best will do, slowly increase the exercise amount. If you do it constantly, you can feel the difference. Your body starting to build muscles, you feel more energetic and confident.